Thursday, October 11, 2007

Internet And Network Art Ideas

I've been researching an idea that I'm interested in and have found a web artist who has produced a very similar idea.

The artist is called Rachel Cohen and she has got volunteers to assist her with her chinese whisper game but using art instead of words. Start off with a picture pass it on, the next person copies it etc. etc.

Photos taken from:-
Cohen, Rachel. "Chinese Whispers." Rachel Cohen. 17 Oct 2007 .

I though it might be interesting to do a chinese whisper art project also:-

The first idea I have had is using a web cam I will draw a picture and the person who is on the end of the camera tries to copy it. Then they broadcast it to the next person etc. etc. They then scan and email the pictures to me.

The second idea takes into account a more verbal idea in which you play chinese whisper as normal, however, everyone writes down what they think they've heard (not showing it to anyone else) and passes the whisper on and then they all draw a picture of what they think they have heard.

I think the second idea has more scope, so I'm going to look into this. I will research internet artists that produce art using words or verbal instruction.

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