Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Word based artists

I've found various games and artists that produce word based internet art. Here are a couple of the interesting links that I have found:-

Eat Poop U Cat is a game where the first person writes a sentence, the second person draws a visual representation of it. The third person only sees the second picture and has to write a sentence to describe it to the next person, who then draws it. etc. etc.

Example below

The calculator swings!

Calculatoro Calcularei was hanged in the country of the Measures. The rulers of that time found his teachings way too much advanced, to the point of heresy

It was a sad day when the ruler and his measuring minions hung the calculator by his turban.

"And that's what you get for measuring abstractions!"

Warning: Measuring your head may lead to spontaneous combustion.

Photos taken from:-
"Eat Poop U Cat." Eat Poop U Cat. InTime Games, LLC. 17 Oct 2007 .

For another variation on chinese whispers theme involves using photographs, there are 3 variations on the games, standard, theme or photoshop.

Standard involves taking a photograph of the sentence provided, it gets emailed to the next person and they have to replicate it as closely as possible take a photo and then pass it on etc.

Themed involves someone taking a photo of a themed idea, they pass it on and the next person has to guess the theme and take an appropriate picture themselves etc.

Photoshop involves using the program to digitally replicate the picture sent to you using google images or your own photos.

Photos shown are taken from:-
Kevan. "Photographic Chinese Whispers." Kevan Dot Org. 17 Oct 2007

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